Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Walter Wick

I visited the The Walters Art Museum a few weeks ago with my family and a handful (when I say handful...I mean 12 friends.  It was more like a field trip) of my little sister's friends to visit the Walter Wick Exhibit. Walter Wick is an artist and photographer best known for the elaborate images in the I Spy and Can You See What I See? book series.   The girls  played a little game where they had to find different items in different pieces of art.  His works included photos and 3D sculptures.  It literally felt like I was walking around in an I Spy book.

Click here to check out the Walter Wick exhibit!  If you like what you see, the exhibit will be at The Walters Art Museum in Baltimore until January 2, 2011!

(To the left are a couple of pictures I took at the gallery)

1 comment:

  1. So cool! I've been to the Walters once, a few years ago, but this exhibit looks so neat that I might have to go back! Thanks for sharing. :)
